Relive Cricket Logo

Delete Your Account & Data

We miss you here at Relive Cricket Community. Your data is very securely stored on Google Servers and built proccesses to protect your privacy and data.

Send Request
You can send your request to delete your account and associated data anytime by clicking the button Delete My Account available below.
Verify Authenticity
We validate your request and verify the authenticity before we delete your data from all of our internal & partner systems.
Undo your request
if you raise request to delete your account, you will have option to recover it within 30 days by sending email to us.
Follow Up & Confirmation
We will send you a confirmation to your email. You can follow up your request status by reply to your email.

Delete your Account?

Are you sure, you want to delete your account permanently?

This action will open your email app prefilled with your request,

Send from your register email address to verify authenticity of your request.

We will send you a confirmation to your email when delete action gets completed.